
Scientists were throwing packing slips away and Finance had no way of knowing what was received and what wasn’t, leaving them scrambling to figure out what invoices to pay, when. At the same time, scientists didn’t know what was in stock where, if they had what they needed for their projects, resulting in hoarding, stockouts, unnecessary bulk orders, and wasted lab space.


They hired ManagedLab to implement a stockroom program and to manage dock to POU product delivery, closing the accounting loop.


“For the lab scientist who used to do the ordering and stocking, the biggest benefit is saving time. With an onsite tech as diligent and proactive as Austin, there is the added benefit of freeing up mental space — no need to remember to inventory and place orders. The shipping and receiving aspect is also helpful. It is great to have Austin track our precious outbound items.”


ManagedLab implemented a receiving process that closed the loop required to comply with best practices for PO management and documentation, while also designing and implementing a VMI program to manage the lab’s top 225 consumable items. The program liberated lab space for equipment and headcount growth, liberated funds, freed up scientists’ time, and offered reporting and metrics for future planning.

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